Turn Off IPv4 on your Wireless LAN!
Aside from Layer 1 and 2 in wireless, layer 3 planning is in larger wireless networks very important. As someone who has been doing IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack in his WLAN for 15 years now, the question is where do you go from here? Migration to IPv6 worldwide is still kind of slow, and I don't want to do client networks dual-stack forever. My wireless infrastructure is already IPv6-only, so what is keeping me from doing the same to the client networks? Sadly, IPv6-only even with transition mechanisms like NAT64 to the IPv4 world leaves many clients especially in BOYD without connectivity, as some do not support IPv6 or have it turned off. But, there is movement in this area - with the newest mechanisms out of RFCs and client implementations, you can now have many modern clients without any interaction be IPv6-only, AND keep legacy clients with either dual-stack or IPv4-only in the same network - while not turned off, turned down a lot. I will show how this works, what you need for it, and how the first tests in my network went.