The CWNE and CWISE Journey

Join our team of (5) CWNEs and one CWISE as we share our inspiring journeys to expertise in wireless networking. With diverse backgrounds, we've come together to provide invaluable insights for those aspiring to achieve CWNE or CWISE certification.

During our presentation, we'll cover key topics including:

  • Motivation: Explore the reasons behind pursuing these expert-level certifications and discover what we truly understood about wireless before embarking on this path.
  • Background Diversity: Learn about our distinct IT, networking, and wireless backgrounds and how they contributed to our journeys.
  • Strategic Approach: Gain access to our proven attack plan for navigating the challenging certification process. We'll discuss our study methods, the order in which we tackled certification objectives, and our choices in non-CWNP certifications.
  • Rich Resources: Discover the wealth of resources we utilized, from research papers to existing videos and hands-on projects, to enhance our understanding.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Hear about the obstacles we faced and the lessons we learned while pursuing these certifications.
  • Reaping Benefits: Uncover the numerous rewards and benefits of achieving CWNE and CWISE status.

