Rail Wi-Fi Architecture
Rail-Wi-Fi Architecture and Challenges Yes it sounds easy, just put a few access points in a metal pipe, run a cable to some landside uplink, and got a kind of passenger and train connectivity. Is that really everything? Yes, it could, but not in real life. There are regulations, constraints from vendors and other parties I would never have thought of. This is really different from any kind of warehouse, production plant, or even other public network in a train station. You will learn what it means to have equipment in really public areas with lots of footfall traffic. How to set the requirements and the given environment into perspective. Adjust to a very different lifecycle and find solutions to hopefully cover the next four generations of end devices. Also, consider that you may have any kind of gear connecting and using your infrastructure. With a really broad use case from video-calling over gaming, video-streaming, office-365or plain web browsing. How can you make visible what your users are doing and what they really care about? And use this data to optimize or change your architecture for the next generation or already implemented solutions. You will learn how to use this quality of experience and use it for a special environment, where planning ahead is key.